Friday, March 19, 2010

Facebook Nightmare

I need to remember to type these things sooner

I'm at my parents' house in Dudley and someone comes to the door. I tell them they have the wrong house and they leave. Later that night I wake up to find a hand over my mouth so I can't scream. There are 3 guys in the house who are trying to kill me. I get away and hide in crawl spaces within the house. I get to the phone in the kitchen and call 911. They say someone is on their way. When they pulled in, it was a cruiser but out of it was a man dressed all in black who then told me that they had the phone bugged and were taking all the calls from the house. They caught me and devulged their whole plan. They had bugged my computer and watched all the sites I went to and knew my plan.

I woke up... felt like maybe I should never update my status again.

Crazy Dream with the Forsynthia Bush

Mary and I are held hostage in a hotel room with our hands handcuffed in front of us. Mary's mother's (a sketchy lady from the pharmacy) boyfriend is trying to kill us (reason unknown). Our hands are not bound completely so we can text for help. He did not care that we were texting until he realized that we could be going for help. We run out of the hotel room and he chases us with a gun. We run down a flight of stairs, and the bad guy takes the elevator. We get downstairs and start running and end up on a footbal field. We hid with the cheerleaders while the bad guy searched the stands. The team playing was Southwick (which doesn't have a football team). We run and he follows us. We run through the kitchen and he is shooting wildly at us. We got outside and hid in a forsynthia bush, while we ran through underneath the forsynthia bush the bad guy ran on top chasing another person without falling through. We made it through the bushes ahead of him and were at the entrance of the Uconn Health Center. I thought to myself that there was no way we could make it to the police department which was up the hill. He is still chasing us so we ran to the fire station which was on the bottom of the hill. We got there and I started beating on the door. No one answered and I ran around back and was kicking the door while dodging bullets. At that point a lt opened the bay door and the bad guy gave up right away (like he is afraid of fire trucks). The fd dug in a locker and found a rusty pair of handcuffs. Mary and I survived and were relieved.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reason for Blog Creation

Those of you who know me know that I watch A LOT of horror movies. So much so that it is possibly warping my mind. I have begun having dreams in which people are trying to kill me and other elements of horror. Instead of discontinuing my movie watching, I have decided to write down my dreams. At some point, I would like to fill in the gaps and create some horror short stories. Thanks for reading.